• The Journey Begins

     The Journey Begins

    When does the Journey really begin. . .It starts the second you hold that throttle and there on out its one hell of a ride and this page is about all that. My rides and treats that I experienced on the way may it be visual treats and at times flavors that excite your taste buds. So welcome to my page and hope you find this interesting and feel the same when you experience these on your own.

    Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

    But your sweet ride is all the company you need to make the journey sweet. If you are in a car obviously need music and chit chat to make sure that the driver doesn't fall asleep and total your car but when you are a rider the wind and sights keep every second a memory. . Yeah you guessed right. . I hate cars at least the ones who hog the road.

    Now a few words about me, I honestly do not get time to live the life of a hardcore rider spending a week on the road crossing mountains and borders. I have to work for a living and its the weekends that turn out to be mesmerizing, so these few pages are all about that and the rides wind up in under 24 hours so that I get half my weekend to recharge my life. Ohhh and by the way I am not a writer so if something feels a bit off then you just have to deal with it :)

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